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September 23 2016 - January 2017

The exhibition Bologna dopo Morandi 1945 – 2015 (Bologna after Morandi 1945 - 2015), organised by Fondazione Carisbo and Genus Bononiae Musei nella Città, puts on display in Palazzo Fava 150 works by seventy artists who were born and were or have been operating in Bologna and the surrounding areas and who, with their personality and style, have influenced the history of art in Bologna since the second post-war period until today.
The show is organised as a path with 12 “stops”, each addressing the most important phenomena taking place in that period in Italy and abroad: starting from Giorgio Morandi to aftermath of World War II with the post-cubism influence, from the Informal art to the Pop art, with an important stop dedicated to another relevant artist Andrea Pazienza and his colleagues, all top cartoonists.
further information on bologna dopo morandi